Life is pretty interesting to me. I see it as a spectrum with twists and turns one can never fully understand. It’s interesting when you make plans and one way or the other it doesn’t always go as planned. That can be very frustrating. The question is not whether life will throw you a curveball; it is just a matter of when it would, how it would and what would be done about it? These questions always remain unanswered. So don’t stress if you have them.
We all make plans to finish school with wonderful degrees and get good jobs, which trust me is perfect. But have we at any time thought of contingency plans or thought of skills outside school. The thing is, it’s not bad to make plans, but having a broad mind is very important as things may not always go as expected. That can be very disheartening and can break you. Just because something unexpected has temporarily knocked the wind out of you it doesn’t mean that your life is over, that you’ll never achieve the things that you want, or that you’re doomed to fail and struggle for the rest of your days. Kimberley Cohen, Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique explains that the fact that you’ve struck out doesn’t mean that you’re out of the game. You’re simply out until the next time you’re up to bat. She adds the following:
“There will be another inning, another game, another chance, and ‘how’ you handle the curveballs is really up to you. You can lose your confidence, your spirit, your love of the game or, you can take your stance at home plate, swing like you have never swung before and know you have a chance at hitting that ball far out into the outfield or the stands.”
I feel there should always be that point you have a real discussion with yourself and work on areas your not so good. Get skills outside of the classroom, build relationships at a very young age with people who would help you grow, who you could rely on, who can mentor you. Right now you may be telling yourself that losing your job or being passed over for the promotion is the worst thing that could have happened to you. However, you don’t know that for sure. so try getting some perspectives.
I know how difficult it is to have curveballs thrown at you because I’ve had more than a few thrown at me. We all have, it’s how you move on that determines if the path would be successful.